Dr People – Deified robot. Automatic man (i.e. humanity on autopilot) functionary as a cog in a brainwashing machine over which he has no control over the controls collectively controlling him

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Dr. People – Deified robot. Automatic man (i.e., humanity on autopilot) functionary as a cog in a brainwashing machine over which he has no control over the controls collectively controlling him. Dulled and doped Dr. People is programmed to put anyone who has a mind of his/her own, and acts upon it, into isolation and ostracism so that the minions of Corporate State under the “rule of law” (itself exposed as one specific form of the arbitrary rule of the State) or force continuum can dispense selective justice by removing the cognitive offender-dissident from the awake-dream of Ordinary Man (the sleepwalking masses in awake-dream) so that the rule of “law over humanity” remains as they continue about life oblivious to their own shackles of psychological slavery. Just as Plato created the figure Socrates (and if not, at least put words in his mouth) as cognitive dissident in “Apology” and then neutered him in “Crito” to be an apologetic sacrificial sponsor of capital punishment under the artifice called Corporate State—so too Dr. People are created by the Greater System through acculturation and socialization to perform a similar service to Plato’s modern Republic—a totalitarian State nightmare. Plato made a complete ass of Socrates when he could have had him going out in a blaze of deft defiant oratory glory. Read “Neither Victims nor Executioners” by Albert Camus as well as “Listen Little Man” by Wilhelm Reich. “What’s considered normal is determined by the majority, and one should not presume that it is free from pathology.” ~The Doctor. (See: Capital Punishment, Cognitive Dissident, Black Flask Brigade, Greater System, Justice & Pixelated People)

soldiers – tools (living human resources—walking fodder) corporate mercenaries used by legisTraitors and media to impose the will of their Corporate masters and imperialistic soothsayers - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

soldiers – tools (living human resources—walking fodder); corporate mercenaries used by the legistraitors, wordsymthologists, journalists, and politicians to impose the will of their Corporate masters and imperialistic soothsayers (i.e., CrimethInc.). “It is impossible to give the soldier a good education without making him a deserter. His natural foe is the government that drills him.” ~H.D. Thoreau. Anyone overstanding the real cost of war (not counting the costs of perpetrating it) and the fictitious nature of Corporate State and the real benefactors behind the scenes—has to become a conscientious objector or an enemy outpost in one’s own (controlled by another) mind. The ideologues of vanity manipulate the power-hungry purveyors of profit-motive insanity into perpetrating crimes against humanity. (See: GI Bill, Citizen DUPE, CABS, Class, Mass & Souldier)

Creativity is the ultimate form of resistance and rebellion (to the Corporate Police State, the Beasthood & Doggy). - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

creativity – the discovery process of coming up with something that was not present in the pre-existing reality construct (frame). 2) the language of the Self. 3) the manifestation of unconditional responses to oneself and one’s environment. 4) the expression of the knowingness (or realization) of the All That Is that you are—God(dess)-Self-Divine. 5) breaking free from the illusion of separation through the sacred transmutation of mind into matter. 6) instantiation of the you-universe as the universal. Creativity is forgoing the luxury of playing the game “what if” temporarily freed from the constraints of reality, i.e. its attributes. Creativity involves putting thoughts, ideas, and things together that have never been linked before. Creativity is the ultimate form of resistance and rebellion (to the Corporate Police State, the Beasthood & Doggy). Realize who you are by experiencing it. When you find yourself, you will also find that you are the genius through which creativity finds its self-expression. Creativity cannot encompass originality but originality subsumes creativity in its bosom. One can be creative with technique and formula, but technique and formula alone cannot vouchsafe for originality. “Creativity is the practice of constructing playful predicaments.” ~Ray Lee. You cannot discipline creativity, but there may exist a very real discipline in its creation or expression. Creativity is a high form of survival because it epitomizes change and optimizes flexibility. There is, in reality, only one kind of creativity and that is the creativity manifested through Consciousness. This vital energy (Neuralism) arises out of Emptiness—comes from the Self. All creativity that is unproductive or proprietary is usually destructive. Nothing is good unless you play with it and share it with others not as exclusively your own doing. “Creativity is not an attribute of personality, although it is expressed through that personality. Creativity transcends the ego and, in fact, only comes into being through transcendence of the individuality. It is therefore quite foolish and presumptuous to pride oneself on one’s creativity, or on any achievements resulting therefrom. That creativity belongs to the whole intelligent world; in fact, it is Intelligence itself, wherever it may manifest itself.” ~Robert Powell. The more we love and accept ourselves exactly the way we are, the more creative we will be—self-acceptance is the key to Selfrealization because you are never (despite appearances and notions to the contrary) none other than what you are. If you are Self-realized, you are in a constant process of creativity. Jane Main has teased out the subtle essence of creativity: “Creativity, the terrible master. Planting with ecstasy with passion, the new; tearing the living seed from womb to grow apart. Demanding, inextricably, nurture to fruition.” The True Self is always being lived out. Living yourself out is a creative act (without thought of doership), it is creativity because who you are is eternal yet always new. What is giving you existence can’t be something that does not exist now (like the past). You are not in the world, the whole world is in you—now that’s creativity! Just as we can be creative whether we own things or not, we can monetize our creative and productive capacities without official currency. As long as the root assumption that scarcity rules economies remains unquestioned or unchallenged, creative ways to overcome this pathology will be repressed. To lead a life of creativity, you first have to free yourself from the need to learn and simply manifest your natural curiosity and the Love that you are fulfilling itself for no specific reason. “Anyone can make the simple complicated. Creativity is making the complicated simple.” ~ Charles Mingus. Creativity is freedom from the past—presence in the now—without the help or hindrance of the mind. (See: The Self, Unlearning, Emptiness, Genius, Consciousness, Exchange, Originality, Neuralism, Objectives, Aspiration, Survival, Turiya, Self-Acceptance, Presence, Awareness, Self-Realization, Alchemisphere, Inspiration, Doership, Individual, Consciousness-Based Education, True Self, School of Eternity, “Flowgasm,” & Poetic Terrorism)

Frederick Mann: Authorities Use SlaveSpeak Words and Concepts to Maintain Assent to Coercive systems and institutions, which are all Granfalloons. The Words are Enemy Outposts in Our Minds


tyrant-paradigm - the assertion or assent to certain concepts, idea, memes, words, patterns of thinking, attitudes, beliefs, and convictions that give rise to coercive political systems. It includes the notion that the tyrants (territorial gangsters) are so omniscient and omnipotent that they can prevent natural persons from living free. The words that constitute the tyrant paradigm are enemy outposts in your mind. Tyrants "own" the minds of their oppressed victims to the extent that victims hold contents of the tyrant-paradigm in the minds. The tyrant-paradigm consists of the "construction of systematic thought" and "the systematic pattems of thought" that give rise to coercive political systems. (See: The OCTOCON, Territorial Gangsters & Reactions)

The rebel Frederick Mann (FM) aimed to expose the SlaveSpeak words used by coercive political agents and to assist with explaining why all coercive systems/institutions are frauds/scams. Upon understanding the FreeSpeak concepts FM presented, you will realize a whole new range of freedom possibilities.

The most important ones are these, the rest can be found in the FreeSpeak Dictionary

  • Authority

    • For a person or group to have any authority over another person or their property, it must be specifically granted via agreement/contract or power-of-attorney (and any such authority is limited to that which is specifically granted). For a contract to be valid, it must be entered into voluntarily and intentionally, with full knowledge of all relevant facts and consequences. The notion that there are “authorities” (because they said so) is utterly absurd and pure brainwashing!

  • Government

    • By common definition, “government” most basically refers to “the people who have authority to govern”. Did you sign a contract knowingly, voluntarily, willingly, and intentionally granting authority to anyone (giving them the power to tell you what to do and take what they please) over yourself, your property, and your earnings? The people who masquerade as “government” are in reality nothing more than common shysters, liars, hypocrites, fraudsters, thieves, parasites, and murderers – they are certainly not “government” (so stop spreading their lies – stop calling them that)! Most humans are duped into living in an assumed subject/slave-status (to “government” masters) which needs to be challenged. Most humans collectively hallucinate a volitional entity they call “government” – their idol, the new “god” which “must be obeyed” – which supposedly does things that humans can’t do.

  • Vote

    • Writing (anonymously) on a piece of paper then dropping it into a box, or its online equivalent – supposedly “voting” in political “elections” – does not grant authority to anyone. It is not performed under contract to begin with. The notion that “voting” gives legitimacy to any political system is a cruel joke and a huge absurd fraud perpetrated on masses of naive and gullible people!

  • Constitution

    • A so-called “constitution”, supposedly forming the basis of “government”, has no validity unless signed as a contract between individuals – and then it can only apply to those individuals (if any) who actually agreed to it and signed it. To suggest otherwise is a ridiculous delusion! Huge frauds are perpetuated around the world where a few shysters misrepresent themselves in their pretended “constitutions” as “we the people”, “whereas the people have agreed”, etc. – and many years (even hundreds of years) later, these absurd frauds continue!

  • Law

    • The notion of “law” is a big lie. Humans hallucinate the noises and scribbles emanating from the mouths and pens of bureaucrats as “the law” – supposedly special “authority” words which “must be obeyed” – where in reality they’re just meaningless noises and scribbles! If you believe in the idea of “law”, and accept someone else’s words as “law”, then you make yourself their slave and them your master – telling you what to do and how much to pay them for this “privilege”.
      Intelligent humans already learn and agree on rules for harmonious co-existence (such as “respect other people and their property” (recognising that voluntary interactions are the only legitimate kind), “keep your agreements”, “drive on the same side of the road”, etc.); they have no use for pretended “laws” – especially when coercion is involved – as is the case with most terrorcrat “laws”, which are secretly only intended to benefit them.

  • Tax

    • If one man takes another man’s property without his consent, it’s called theft or robbery. If five people take a man’s property without his consent, it’s called organized crime. If thousands or millions of people call themselves “government” (perhaps also claiming to “represent” and “protect” “the people”, etc), and institute a system whereby some of them take a man’s property without his consent, it’s falsely called “tax” – just one of many euphemisms for property obtained by fraud, theft, robbery, extortion, etc.
      Intelligent humans know that theft is not “necessary”. All desired services can be funded by superior voluntary win/win methods (as free-markets operate already), without the numerous extremely destructive parasitical negative consequences of current win/lose or lose/lose theft “systems”.

  • Country

    • The notion that there are “countries” is pure human fabrication and illusion! What typically happens is that territorial gangsters masquerade as “government” (or similar supposed “authority” figures), murder the natives, mark lines on a map, forge documents, spout nonsense, hire thugs to guard their imaginary “borders”, etc. – but in reality, none of this creates anything of any validity. Pretended “countries” are really used to further promote terrorcrat bullshit, scams, herding humans like cattle in “tax” farms; instigating racism, wars, “nationalism” brainwashing (idolizing a “flag”, “anthem”), etc .

All words are human inventions. Humans teach others their meanings for their words to communicate with each other. This great benefit comes with an unfortunate problem: many words have no real referent – their supposed “meanings” are bogus, nonsense, fraudulent, make-believe/fantasy (but believed to be real), or merely concepts with no valid use in practice. It is therefore extremely important to thoroughly question people’s ideas/concepts/beliefs for every word that you learn. The more you do so, the more the layers of nonsense (that keep people unwittingly enslaved) will become self-evident, and the freer you will become.

Consider this: if the air is polluted, you can’t breathe properly; if your food and water are polluted, your body can’t function properly; if your mind is polluted (with nonsense, slavespeak, etc.), you can’t think properly. A free mind is the most important freedom.

Master’s rent: Income tax and property tax. When citizen-slaves in US are not working, they can come and go when they want and therefore have the illusion of true freedom—called “free-range slavery”

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Master’s rent – Federal and state income tax and property tax. When citizen-slaves in America are not working, they can come and go when they want and therefore have the illusion of true freedom—called “free-range slavery.” They only work from January until May for their master and they get to keep part of the “money” the sale of their labor earns them. They have the illusion of owning their own home and their master will only evict them out of it if they fail to pay the master’s rent (which he calls income tax and property tax). The citizen-slaves are treated so well by their master that they don’t want to see, much less leave their cage. American citizen-slaves are content because they usually have enough “money” to buy all the roaming freedom they need. American citizen-slaves realize that they will be punished if they do not comply willingly with master’s demands or commands. A man ceases to be free anytime an obligation is forced upon him, regardless of how small. (See: Involuntary Servitude, Slavery, Citizen, Slave, Serf, Feudalism, Cooperative Federalism, Allegiance, Voluntiered Servitude, “Credit,” Usury, Interest, Labor, Freedom, Corporate State, Govern & Ruler)

Everything you have experienced in your life has been projected onto and sifted through a screen of emotion. The emotion is based on the experience itself, that then becomes "the Recall Button"

According to FUNKTIONARY:

The Recall Button – a do-loop of one’s reality based on memorized experience and the emotion associated with it. Everything that you have experienced in your life has been projected onto and sifted through a screen of emotion. The emotion is based on the experience itself, that then becomes the Recall Button. When you have recalled that experience you recall the emotion as part of the experience—and that is how the terrorcrats, the Beasthood, and the pathocracy keep you trapped within the confines and context of information that you use day-in and day-out as a loop of your circumscribed reality. You are trapped within that loop and thought itself is (has become or remains) the motor of that loop. (See: Thought Suspension, Memetics, Memetic Engineer, Predictive Programming, Processing Mind, HIVE & Thought)

'Sovereign immunity – “government” applying the law of the jungle in its relations with people. We are bound by the written law but those who wrote the law are bound by the law of the jungle'

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Sovereign immunity – “government” so-called, applying the law of the jungle to its relationship to the people. We are bound by the written law but those who wrote the law are bound by the law of the jungle. Makes you feel like a fool, doesn’t it? Minority rule majority fooled? Surely, on earth as it is in heaven. Why would we ever allow “government” to assert the position that it is not bound by the same law that binds us? The answer is that we are fools sweet-talked by judges into believing that the “natural state of affairs” is to bind the people by law, and the “government” by fiat. “Government” has replaced religion as the opiate of the masses using the Media as its subduing gasses (fumes of subterfuge). (See: CHAOS, Judicial System, Constitution, Law, Domestication, Justice, Civilization, Weitiko Disease & “Government”) 

sovereign force – an abstract body of legal lawlessness unto itself administered by territorial gangsters.

Are you a sheep, constantly grazing and readily fleeced? Poor ewe! You aren't what you buy—you are why you buy. You're not what U graze (ingest) but what you digest (internalize or buy into)- Dr Blynd

According to FUNKTIONARY:

sheep – a metaphor for the conditioned and deluded true believing mass of the collective. Are you a sheep, constantly grazing, and readily fleeced? Poor ewe! You are not what you buy—you are why you buy. You are not what graze (injest) but what you digest (internalize or buy into). Sheep need to believe that they cannot be left on their own. (See: Colonized Mind, Conditioning, Belief System, Indoctrination, Literalism, Collective, Mind Control, MEDIA, Religion & Ideology)

censorship – the rape of the human mind. Take away the word “fuck” and you take away the right to say, “fuck the government.” (Lenny Bruce). Feel free to say nothing. - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

censorship – the rape of the human mind. Take away the word “fuck” and you take away the right to say, “fuck the government.” - Lenny Bruce. Feel free to say nothing. (See: Iron Rule, Patriot Act, Nine-Eleven, Justice & MEDIA)

Election- rituals where citizens are called upon to participate in a staged-hoax ratification of 1 group of state managers or another, providing the comforting illusion of democracy where none exists

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Elections – the tricks of the Elect; the advanced auction of stolen goods. 2) rituals where periodically citizen-subjects are called upon to “participate” in the staged-hoax ratification of one group of state managers or another, which provides the comforting illusion of “democracy” where none exists. 3) Dumbocracy in action; stage prop to enable the puppeteer and his puppeticians to pull the strings of you and me. 4) show and shell games. 5) the orchestration and preservation of the illusion of choice and open competition. Elections merely determine how you will get screwed, i.e., either with a Democratic Phillips or with a Republican Flathead. Stop repeat offenders—don’t re-elect them! Can someone find the one million votes that got dumped during the presidential election originating from Black area in state of Florida? Why do we accept ATM machines that will provide us with verification of a transaction by way of physical receipt but not with an electronic voting machine made by the same company? Why was the brother (Athan Gibbs), who invented an auditable electronic voting system, all of a sudden snuffed-out—a likely victim of ‘duocide’ in his hometown? The Matrix is full of illusion and tricks of the Elect—electricity—caught in the web of electronics called the Net. You are electing those who have been selected for you far in advance and without your input. You choose but they cannot lose when you have no say in who is chosen to come out to play their prime-time gameshow called electoral politics where you “get in” to win, not win to get in (office). Elections are always an attempt to stymie cognitive dissidents’ (the unlearner and the natural man) and the working poor’s struggles, to silence legitimate outrage at psychological, social, judicial, and economic oppression and demands of self-determination. Those that “get in” long before they are chosen by the Elect (the ruling elite) are groomed and tested for their loyalty to the dominant minority ruling class over the interests of the individual or the commoners as we are referred to when in a more jovial mood. Money only makes you eligible, power determines if you’re suited to do their bidding and act as a distraction (sideshow) away from the shadow or parallel government where the Agenda of the Pathocracy gets executed while the Punch and Judy show of sham participatory democracy (three-ring media circus) plays out as a daily dose of entertainment for the clueless, conditioned and apathetic masses (the voting public, i.e. citizens of the United States). With the silent and invisible overthrow of the Constitutional Republic in 1948 into the fictional Land of Oz—the Administrative State—elections do nothing but provide false hope and spectacular distraction for the clueless registered voters. The hired mercenaries—armed and unarmed—don’t change within an Administrative State ruling by legal notice in the Federal Register with rules and regulations and not with enacted laws of the United States. With the elections what we get are some different overseers and orderlies, some worse than others. That’s why nothing changes, because the Corporate Administrative State agencies through the actions of their Standard Form 61 Appointment Affidavit Employees (5 USC 3331) are still there wreaking havoc with impunity as Executive branch flunkies having no Article III judicial power to deprive anyone of his or her liberty or demand anything of anyone without one’s consent. With the change of presidential administrations there are a few cosmetic changes, tweaks here and there, etc. That’s why elections are an illusion. Find out what is not an agency (hint, even the President of the United States is one) and even if you don’t know what to do, you will however, catch a clue. How do you enjoy having the same rights as enjoyed by white citizens? Read 42 United States Code §1981. My fellow Americans, remember that the end of October is “Trick-or-Treat” and spills over into (every other) November as “Trick-or-Vote.” “Mock the Vote!” Diebold machines count the votes, and that’s the only thing you can count on! Be sucker-free, turn on your monkey-mind and turn off your T.V. If “Deez Nuts” can swing 9% of the vote in a state then it shouldn’t surprise you that someone like Trump who is really nuts can pull over 50%. Government is a broker in pillage, and every election is like an advance auction sale of stolen goods via cultural induction and taxtortion. (See: Federal Register, Office, VoteScam, Secret Ballots, Electionomics, Selectorate, Administrative State, Constitution for the United States, Fascism, Sheeple, Republicrats, Duocide, CrimethInc., Anarchy, Bush Family Crime Syndicate, Electoral College, citizen of the United States, Candidates, Monkey-Mind, Primary Do-Over, Territorial Gangsters, Economatrix, Pathocracy, Tyrant-Paradigm, “Duocide,” Totalitarianism, Tyranny, Piggybacking, Marxism, Executive Orders, Cultural Induction, Judicial Victimization, Politicians, NERVOUS, Political FAGS & VNS)

'I haven't registered to vote. Democracy has disappeared in the US. There is but 1 evil party with 2 names and it will be elected despite all I can say or do.' WEB DuBois (1956) quoted in FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

voting booth – the PIT—a place where one takes a Political Ineptitude Test. Haven’t you heard or come to realize that secret ballots beget secret “government.” Until they pay you for your vote you will pay for (casting) your vote. “I shall not go the polls. I have not registered. I believe that democracy has so far disappeared in the United States that no ‘two evils’ exist. There is but one evil party with two names and it will be elected despite all I can say or do.” ~W.E.B. DuBois 1956.

Freedoms are disappearing. The enemy within wishes for nothing more than an authoritarian, fascist nation, the easier to make decisions, implement their vision and control the population - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

democracy – a commercial form of “government” (exploitation and theft via force, deception and involuntary participation) of the mob, by the mob, and for the mob, i.e., Mob-Rule. 2) a guise rubber stamping of an alternative royalty into overruling power. 3) the worst possible form of government because the majority rules whether they be good, evil, or misled by a minority. 4) slavery of the people, by the people, for the people. 5) equality achieved through force. 6) a system where only the majority need to be fooled. 7) advertised equality. 8) a parody of a free society that only ethical anarchism or voluntaryism can usher into existence. “Democracy has always been seen (and is still seen today) as equality of rights (granted privileges), not conditions. To the hypothetical equality of rights there has always corresponded a substantial inequality of conditions. And instead of being related to the nature of their individuality, differences between people have always been those marked by the different basic conditions they live in as they struggle against the suffocating artificial divisions imposed on them by power.” ~ Alfred M. Bonanno. Democracy is a euphonious term created mainly to serve as sheepskin for Leviathan, Doggy and the CrimethInc. All-Stars. 9) Dictatorship camouflaged as freedom. 10) a whitewashed plutocracy with a pastel eggshell finish. Democracy, next to “monetized debt,” and direct taxation (on labor) is the biggest con-game perpetrated on a population. Democracy has proved only that the best way to gain and sustain power over people is to assure the people that they are ruling themselves. Once they believe that lie, they make wonderfully submissive and self-maintained slaves. “There are those who maintain that at bottom what is called democracy, (whenever and wherever it is supposed to have existed), is merely the mask for the rule of capitalist and/or bureaucratic minorities over an ignorant and deceived majority whose franchise signifies only the right to choose or to change its masters.” ~Max Nomad. As long as mob rule is allowed through secret ballots, operational and organizational transparency will evade us and vice (vested interests controlling economies) will continue to forsake us and break us. Democracy is a powerful synthetic ideology of recuperation. Democracy goes against the emancipation of desire. Democracy allows for A to band together with B (majority rule) to rip off C. Democracy and citizenship are the chains that filter your pursuit of happiness and the happiness in your pursuit. Democracy in America has been checked and balanced, or gone unchecked and unbalanced—depending on one’s indoctrination—to the point (extent) of collapse. Only the improper is left to prop it up aright as if it were still standing on its own ideological efficacy and edifice. “Democracy (the political ideal) is just a dream, it has not happened anywhere, it cannot happen. And wherever it happens (in practice), it creates trouble, the medicine proves more dangerous than the disease itself.” ~OSHO. “If the people of a democracy are allowed to do so, they will vote away freedoms that are essential to that democracy.” ~Snell Putney. As H.L. Mencken so aptly observed, “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.” In a democracy, scum rises to the top; otherwise it starts there. Democracy is a specific instance of stationary rogue State power. Under the rubric of democracy, justice can be attained only by begging, buying, milking and taking. A gang is an embryonic democracy in the making. Keep in mind that Hitler was elected in a full, free and fair democratic election. Democracy is a sweet-sounding word that offers freedom but delivers illusions. It has no other choice—it isn’t what it appears and never could be what it advertises. There has never been a democracy where the public was consulted for input or consent before statutes and policies detrimental to their interests were already completed and or implemented by the shadow, invisible or parallel government (the Pathocracy). The ruse of democracy and fake elections stalls rebellion. It’s a placebo fed to the public so the ruling dominant elite can execute their plans for a global society—a New World Order. “Already American democracy and freedom are in their last throes, hemorrhaging from years of corporatist mutilation. Elections have become a sham, a farce. Freedoms are disappearing, becoming extinct. The enemy within wishes for nothing more than an authoritarian, fascist nation, the easier to make decisions, the easier to implement their vision, the easier to control the population. The enemy within detests democracy, and this we must understand. Democracy and freedom are enemies. Ask yourself who has been the organization destroying our democracy and freedoms, our civil rights and liberties? Who has enacted Patriot Acts I and II, who has destroyed due process, right to an attorney, habeas corpus? Who has tried to silence truth, dissent, protest and free speech? Who has made torture legal, false imprisonment necessary, confessions by torture legal and evidence concocted through hearsay or torture legal? Who has made it legal to spy on American citizens, opening our email accounts, overhearing our phone conversations, and looking into our lives? It has not been the dreaded Arab evildoers. It has been the Bush administration. It has been your own government.” ~ Manuel Valenzuela. [MORE]

"Conformity is the lemming-rush of the masses coming into voluntary compliance—licking off the lubricated lollipop of the central dictate." - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

conformity – a tenant of Hidalgo’s (“the System”) psychological hold over sleepwalking men and women. 2) a bad sales pitch for the commodification of life by the world ego and its neocrats. 3) the “official” “authorized” and acceptable way of life. “Conformity, assimilation to whatever degree possible, becomes a delusion of acceptance.” ~Vernon K. Turner. Conformity is the lemming-rush of the masses coming into voluntary compliance—licking off the lubricated lollipop of the central dictate. Conformity is for those afraid to think. Conformity and creativity, like oil and water, don’t mix. (See: The Greater System, Sucker, Assimilation, Failure, Rebellion, Authoritarianism, Oughtism, Good Conduct, Hidalgo, Fishbowl, Absolute Truth, The System, Mass Truth, Divide & Conquer, The Shitstem, Sleepwalking, Uniformity & “Tick-Tock”)

2-party System: Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-dumb—working together to keep you down and passively subservient to a system that only solves problems through the iron rule of political power. Don’t Vote—Act!

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Two-party System – Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-dumb—working together systematically to keep you down, confused, and passively subservient to a system that is relegated to solving life’s problems and conflicts through the iron rule of political power. The real two-party system is the tail-gate and the after-party. Don’t vote—Act! Delete the Elite! Secret Ballots beget secret “government.” In order to bring in a new dawn of civilization, an advancing one, we must educate ourselves on the liberating power of symbioacracy and its four noble pillars: individuality, spirituality, noble law and knowledge—which restructure the dynamics of human relationships through the Golden Rule of serving others without being subservient to anyone while beneting all. We can invoke and activate (unleash) this dormant aspect of the Kingdom of heaven on Earth as soon as enough people have seen enough and realize that political power happens only through coercion and deception. Political structure and process has been a failing experiment for aeons. It’s not to late to join the afterparty of Reality and begin to see what the promises of infinity hold for everyone—including you and me. (See: Big Brother, Golden Rule, Contract, Kingdom of Heaven, Political Power, Authoritarianism, Iron Rule, The Representative System, Politics, VoteScam, Creativity, ChoicePoint, Republican, Tyrannolaw, Voting, Campaign Elections, VOTE, Electionomics, VOTERS, Freedom, Plutocracy & Electoral College)

'TIP-O-ROO: The Insidious Proclivity Of Reporting On Others. Why bemoan Big Brother when we lie, snitch on and convict each other? Totalitarian times call for snitches and victimless crimes.' D-Blynd

According to FUNKTIONARY:

TIP-O-ROO – The Insidious Proclivity Of Reporting On Others. Big Brother and the agents of the rogue Corporate State rely, heavily of course, on their tight game of fear and propaganda called “Tip-O-Roo.” Totalitarian times under friendly fascism call for snitches and victimless crimes. Why bemoan Big Brother when we lie and snitch on, and then summarily convict each other? If there is a live flesh and blood victim—report it, an actual crime has been committed, if there is no victim, abort it, don’t report it—as you can only distort it, i.e., the reality that no living breathing being has been harmed. (See: Big Brother, “Dr. People,” Corporate State, BOP, PIC, Doggy, Justice, Natural Law, Greater System, Juries, SNAGs & Fascism)

The Constitution is Not a Pro-Freedom Document. Its Purpose Wasn't to Protect Rights but to Create a Centralized Authority, which is a Betrayal of the Ideas in Declaration of Independence- Larken Rose

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Constitution – black magic on white paper. A constitution is never better than those subscribing to it. Some of the worst tyrannies have been built on the under-structure of an almost perfect constitution. A government is what it acts out, not what it philosophically portends—not what it pretends. (See: Government, Genocide, Slavery, Communism & Aggression)

constitutions – pseudo-religious legal fictions (covenants). Constitutions must be claimed as limitations on those woefully subject to them: the Corporate State (“government.”) Constitutions are illegal fictions posing and imposed as involuntary and unilateral covenants on those who never signed (as a contract not only as a witness) a contracting agreement to it, typically amended every 20-50 years and abolished every 100-250 years; and, also, are legal fictions as covenants to those who do sign a contract granting consent to be governed by the construction of the intent of the meaning and wording therein. 2) unilateral contracts by and through legistraitors who gain power to create legislation and exploit the less cunning.

Constitution for the United States of America – an Iroquois Nation inspired Admiralty instrument grafted by Masonic influenced individuals resulting in the compilation of a secretly drafted document created to protect its special class of composers, i.e. “We the People of the United States,” (“We the People” meant the founding Framers ONLY and the Maritime-Admiralty corporation called the “United States” being a specific noun, i.e. place, fiction, because it had no specific geographical place at the time), which by law has no binding authority on anyone who did not sign the document. The Constitution is a lawful guideline for the “government” to follow, not for the dwellers upon the land (the populace) to follow. The general populace is subject only to the primary law, which states that you cannot create damage, infringement upon the rights of others, an obvious danger to others. 2) a Maritime-Admiralty corporation of a distinct class of People, trying to abrogate\obligate an unalienable right of people not so inclined to participate with/in by voluntarily contracting to it. 3) A document that was more conspired than inspired based on fraudulent intent. [MORE]

Constitutional Rights – mythical rites and contractual privileges; the so-called “government” has constitutional rights, i.e. 5th & 6th Amendment rights (powers), etc., you don’t. The Constitution did not and does not give (or bestow upon) anyone any rights. The Constitution and the so-called Bill of Rights for that matter, merely prohibits agents of the government from abrogating or abridging rights people already have or imagine they have (that one was naturally born with). An abstract fictional entity “government” cannot give you any rights, and even if reality was inverted to accommodate this illusion, anything functionaries of a “government” pretend to give they can take away, and the definition of rights is inherent things that cannot be taken away. The constitution is a document declaring law written to set up a government-cum-religion. The only relation the document has to human liberty is establishing means with which to control or muzzle it. Unalienable rights neither start nor stop at the revolving doors of the federal courtroom. One’s imagined “rights” are those that are unalienable allegedly or putatively guaranteed and poorly protected by the so-called “Constitution for the United States.” Only American Citizens as distinguished from “citizens of the United States” arising under grant issued by Congress and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, possess whatever unalienable rights they imagine having protected by the Constitution. No natural person has “Constitutional rights,” that is a pervasive misnomer—there is no such puppy. (See: Jim Crow, American Citizen, Congress, Habeas Corpus, Jurisdiction, Due Process, U. S. Constitution, License, Rights, Privilege, Cooperative Federalism, Privilege, Rights, Voting, Corporate State, Homeland Security, Citizen of the United States, American Citizen, Holodeck Court, Anarchy & PATRIOT Act, SSN, Unalienable Rights)

cloutlaw – any member of the Overruling Overclass who covertly schemes or overtly acts without impunity and sans accountability (above the Lex and below the radar of jurisprudence). - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY

cloutlaw – any member of the Overruling Overclass who covertly schemes or overtly acts without impunity and sans accountability (above the Lex and below the radar of jurisprudence). 2) the financial juice (if caught) to get let loose (get acquitted). 3) the jet set—set free from accountability. 4) the necessary pull to pull oneself out of deep-dish trouble.

pixelated: the condition of humans constricted by thought and inhibited by emotional thought forms into a boxed-in picture prison; imprisoned vision, screened-off from the clarity of reality- Dr Blynd

According to FUNKTIONARY:

pixelated – the condition of humans constricted by thought and inhibited by emotional thought-forms into a boxed-in picture prison; imprisoned vision, screened-off from the clarity of reality. We spin around ourselves a cocoon of clear mental images (and idols) but our absence of the knowledge of the essences (the reality of emptiness behind the appearances) keeps them fuzzyunfocused— mentally trapped within the square box of the pixel. (See: TINT)

pixelated people – those with optical options but no insight in sight; fuzzy foresight, hazy hindsight, but no vision whatsoever. 2) L-7 squares. 3) those who unknowingly ride the acquired, inculcated L-7 trains of thought in daily life of dull routine, laborious drudgery, hopelessness and slogans. 4) fishbowlers—with a fish-head profile. With neither the courage to face life (in reality instead of in truth), nor the insight to renounce (the ego, not the world), neither the mental stamina to live (authentically), nor the intellectual vigor to enquire (unto the True Self), neither the imagination to believe (despite its center cut lie), nor the daring to disbelieve (a conviction still the same)—half-ass, half-amazing—utterly deluded, the pixelated populace. (See: Fisbowlers, Recall Button, Cosmic Schoolhouse, Dogma, Nimbus Truth & DYOG)